BioPBS | Butterfly Concepts


Traditionally, paper cups are coated with plastic (PE) in order to make the paper water proof. Plastic coated cups are not compostable and are difficult to recycle. BioPBS is the environmentally friendly, 100% biodegradable, compostable and recyclable paper cup alternative to using plastic. BioPBS is produced from renewable materials (corn, cassava, or sugar cane). Paper cups coated in BioPBS are compostable at ambient temperature and biodegrade naturally in the soil into biomass, carbon dioxide and water, leaving zero negative impact on the enviroment. Paper cups coated with BioPBS can also be 100% recycled or composted in commercial waste dispoal facilities. BioPBS is certified for compostability in the USA, EU, Japan with international certifications including EN13432, EN14995, ASTM D6400, ISO17088 and TIS17088.
BioPBS is food contact safe and is certified internationally including by the USA FDA ( FCN No.1574), JHOSPA in Japan and EU10/2011 in Europe

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